Réservation :

Restaurant Atelier

Restaurant Bel Etage

Bar & Café Zum Teufel

ab CHF 69.00


Save the taxi and book the Teufelhof for half the pice! Check-in is available as of 10pm, of course only if rooms are available. It's worth a try!

The Sleep After the Beat-offer includes:

  • Room night in the Gallery-, Art or Set Hotel
  • Hangover Breakfast
  • Baselcard for free use of public transport in Basel and much more
  • A "sleep well book"
  • And: Late check-out until 1pm!

And all this from CHF 69.00 in a single and CHF 89.00 in a double room. The offer is always valid as of 10pm on the daily rate, if we have rooms available. We do not accept reservations. 

Contact our reception with the keyword SLEEP AFTER THE BEAT under +41 (0) 61 261 10 10 or info@teufelhof.com. Or just drop by!

Liebe Gäste,

Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen mit voller Leidenschaft einen schönen Besuch in Basel zu ermöglichen. Dabei arbeiten wir nachhaltig, bieten Ihnen tolle Events und gewähren Ihnen 12% Direktbucherrabatt. Besuchen Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Sie!