
Restaurant Atelier

Restaurant Bel Etage

Bar & Café Zum Teufel

Archaeologischer Keller Apero

Archaeological Cellar

There is a treasure hidden away in the "bowels" of the Teufelhof that is not to be seen anywhere else in Basel, or in the rest of Switzerland. This is our Archaeological Cellar, a flagship showcase for Basel's legacy of historic buildings. You can view the old Basel city walls dating from the 11th and 13th century. A thrilling labyrinthine walk runs between the two medieval city walls with findings from various centuries exhibited in display cases. This keeps the history of the city tangible and accessible at all times on site.
This special location is ideal for aperitifs up to 120 people and dinners up to 50 people in a unique atmosphere. Why not organising a wine tastings for your guests or clients? Please ask us for our entertainment programs!

Size: 68 m²

Shape: elongate

Location: below the Teufelhof

Technical equipment: Beamer/screen fix installed, WLAN

Seating arrangement

Block table
Chair circle


24 people
40 people
54 people
26 people
20 people
30 people
100 people


26 people
52 people
70 people
30 people
25 people
35 people
120 people

Liebe Gäste,

Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen mit voller Leidenschaft einen schönen Besuch in Basel zu ermöglichen. Dabei arbeiten wir nachhaltig, bieten Ihnen tolle Events und gewähren Ihnen 12% Direktbucherrabatt. Besuchen Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Sie!